TITUS CONNECTION Volume 17, Number 9 October, 2023

Volume 17, Number 9 – October, 2023
Intentionally Developing Multigenerational Leaders
Throughout The World
Developing a quality team especially one that represents the Lord takes ingredients that needs to come from all of the team.  It does not come instantly or without work.  How are you and I doing as team members.  Mike
More Characteristics of Great Team Culture
          Great organizational team culture involves several characteristics.  In the previous article four characteristics were given – solid core values, quality leadership, focused and unified sense of purpose, and proper recognition and appreciation of team members.  Two additional characteristics are included in this article.
Quality communication (Ephesians 4:29-32) has to part of team culture for it to be great.  Communication is a two-way street which involves both talking and listening.  Organizational culture is strengthened when honest, uplifting feedback and guidance is given by all involved in the organization.  This means that the person who is the coach, employer, boss, ministry leader, CEO or anyone else in a position of authority is as willing to receive quality feedback from those whom he or she oversees, as he/she is willing to give those under that person.
Communication includes the willingness to deal with conflict in a constructive manner, to what words we use in speaking to someone and what we say about people when they are not in our presence (slander).  Having control of our emotions when communicating can produce healthy situations.
Non-verbal communication is just as important when speaking or listening.  How we handle ourselves, show expressions from our face and react to people often communicate much more clearly than the words we use.  Pick your words carefully to encourage healthy environments.  Be aware of cultural meanings and innuendos.  Words and actions do have the ability to destroy or build up others.  Realize the dynamite you have coming out of your mouth and actions.
Providing a voice to those in your organization is powerful.  People leave organizations because they feel who they are or how they view things are not heard.  When this happens, discouragement and feelings of being disgruntled quickly set in. Self-confidence can take a hit also because the person can begin to feel that what they have to share is worth nothing to others.
Does everyone have a voice to share their viewpoints and know that they will be heard?  Does the team have mechanisms in place to receive honest feedback from all members of the team?  When people knows that honest feedback will be received with respect and contemplated, this shows that they have value within the organization and are appreciated.
Often extroverted people easily voice their views, while an introverted person will most likely not raise their hand to speak, or simply not speak up and keep their viewpoint(s) to themselves.  Healthy organizational leadership will develop ways to provide everyone with a voice.  If a person knows that she has a voice that is appreciated and listened to, when a decision is made that the person does not agree with, the willingness to follow along and work with, will be much greater.
One last characteristic of great team culture is a healthy environment (Ephesians 5:1-4; Philippians 4:8,9; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15).  A healthy environment takes into consideration the person that includes their personality and life experiences.  Everyone should be treated with respect and fairly, but how that gets carried out, may not be equally distributed.  Some people need more external support and encouragement compared to others who may just need to know privately they are highly valued.
When a person knows that he/she will be treated with respect and dignity, the person is much more open to be the best version of oneself in that environment and be much more open of who she is, a willingness to be vulnerable.
Having a safe environment makes life much more enjoyable and people do really experience that you truly care for who a person is as that person senses they have real experiential value.  This environment allows an openness to speak truth into people’s lives.
Trustworthiness and integrity are highly and greatly emphasized and pursued by all involved.  People are encouraged to grow and develop, to become more whole and a complete person.  The pursuit of excellence resonates throughout the culture.
         Minding your own business, as you are headed somewhere and bam! your whole day or what you thought you were going to do, gets derailed.  That is what seemed to happen to Simon of Cyrene.  He was minding his own business, very possibly headed to the synagogue and all of a sudden, a Roman soldier essentially grabbed him and told him he was going to carry the wooden crosspiece for a blooded, fairly unrecognizable human.
“As they led him away, they (Roman soldiers) seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus” (Luke 23:26) (Also Matthew 27:32 and Mark 15:21).  Talk about going from being a nobody to being mentioned in the Bible that will make note of this random encounter for the rest of history.
Simon came from Cyrene which was in east Libya (northern Africa), a Greek city and a Jewish center.  Possibly he was dark-skinned but is definitely mentioned as the father of two guys, one being Rufus who people figured is mentioned in Romans 16.  This Simon might be the Simon spoken of in Acts 13:1 who was a prophet or teacher in Antioch’s church.
The point is we do not know much about this person who was commanded or basically forced to do what the Roman soldiers told him to do.  There was hardly any choice to be made.  It was a complete surprise to Simon but not to God.  God knew Simon would be walking along when Jesus needed someone to help Him carry His cross.  God knew that before the beginning of time.  Coincidence is not in God’s vocabulary.
When I first began in youth ministry, I was jokingly told to be ready at a moment’s notice to preach, pray, sing or die.  Though it was offered as a funny jingle, the truth was to be ready to be used for the glory of God at any moment in my life.
When you least expect it, God may pluck you out of a crowd to accomplish a task for Him.  Are you ready?  Or another way to ask the question, is what do you need to do to be ready to be used by the Lord?
1 Peter 3:15-16 indicates, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”
Be on your “A” game as far as your spiritual journey goes.  Be aggressively pursuing your relationship with Jesus and as you have consistent opportunity to live and speak about your relationship with Jesus, you will have a clear, honest testimony for Him.  Then no one can rip on you for saying you are a Christian and then not living a Christian life – pursing a life of integrity.
Wonder why it does not seem that God does not use you to represent Him?  Perhaps you were used and do not realize it, or you were not aware or ready because you are not focused on Jesus.  Work intentionally on your relationship with Jesus and notice how often you will be used to represent Him.  Let the Bible get into your life.  Spend time talking and being quiet with Him.  Hang out with other growing Christians and your spiritual senses will enhance.
Simon played a prominent role in Jesus’ death process.  How and when does God want to use you?  Be ready by focusing on your spiritual journey with Him.