Thank you for praying with us! We could not do what we do without the power of your prayers!
Please join us in praising the Lord that WILD’s Foundations of Spiritual Leadership is being taught at a Rhinelander church to a dozen church members. This 8 week course features the material WILD teaches in all the countries we are involved in.
Special prayer requests:
1) Contacting high schools to offer the Leadership Development class that has been created by WILD. At the end of March, we have a booth at the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association annual conference offering material on this class and to sign up. Also, if you know of a school official that is looking for this type of class, contact the WILD office.
2) WILD is in need of finding and developing a race director for our WILD Hodag Mini-Tri, which will be on August 27th. The person should be from the USA. If interested, contact the WILD office.
3) Continued prayer for insight with the Spiritual Leadership class being offered locally and also on Sunday, March 6, at the same church, a class on Spiritual Gifts and Inventory is offered.
4) People from two countries new to WILD have made contact with our office, desiring to learn more of what WILD offers and how to become involved.
Please pray John 17:21-23
I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
Pray also for:
* West Africa regional coordinator David Mulbah and his family – wisdom and spiritual insight.
* Liberia National Director Moses Kerkulah and his family and the Liberian team and families, Germue Kwenah, Peter Flomo Jr., Jeremy Bono, Moses Dolo, Hawa Koko, Loila Nyama, Hawa Kweyeteh and Willifred Bemah along with their families.
* Ivory Coast National Director Bishop Blaise Dadie and family, along with national team
* Sierra Leone National Director Patrick Fofana and his family and the national team members Michael Davis, Paul Taralwally, John Kamara, Medna Fofana, Elizabeth Faiya, Kadie Sesay and Mrs. Fofana
* Benin National Director Olumumy Germain, and national team members Kpatinvoh Jami Romian, Houngbola Yesssoufou, Ahouandjinou, Aruona Rafatou
* Togo National Director Emmanuel Kossi Zagana and national team members Adjogah Koffi Blewussi, Adjogah Soussoule Kodjo, Yawo Kpelevi, Sessi Afi Delali, Louis Segla
* Ghana National Director Samuel Mohenu and Team
Thank you again for praying with us!