WILD Prayer 3.15.2021

Please pray this for the following leaders:

John 13:34-35 – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

– West Africa regional coordinator David Mulbah and his family (4 children) – wisdom and spiritual Insight. 

– Liberia National Director Moses Kerkulah and his family and the Liberian team and families, Germue Kwenah, Peter Flomo Jr., Jeremy Bono, Moses Dolo, Hawa Koko, Loila Nyama, Hawa Kweyeteh and Willifred Bemah along with their families.

– Ivory Coast National Director Bishop Blaise Dadie and family, along with national team.

– Sierra Leone National Director Patrick Fofana and his family and the national team. Member Michael Davis, Paul Taralwally, John Kamara, Medna Fofana, Elizabeth Faiya, Kadie Sesay and Mrs. Fofana.

– Benin National Director Olumumy Germain,  and national team members Kpatinvoh Jami Romian, Houngbola Yesssoufou, Ahouandjinou, Aruona Rafatou.

– Togo National Director Emmanuel Kossi Zagana and national team members Adjogah. Koffi Blewussi, Adjogah Soussoule Kodjo, Yawo  Kpelevi, Carrole Adjo VIGLO, Louis Segla. 

– Ghana National Director Samuel Mohenu and Team.

– People in African and Asian countries being affected by the Covid-19 issues.  There are indications that some countries will begin to receive vaccinations soon.

–  WILD trainers who are discipling and upcoming conferences.  Wisdom and spiritual insight.

– Financial gifts to help WILD trainers in WILD countries and WILD needs.

Thanks for Praying,