Titus Email March 2018

Volume 12, Number 3 – MARCH, 2018

Greetings. This Titus Email is out a little late. I had some Google issues with group mailings. As you noticed, we are sending out big group emails a different way, through Mail Chimp. It will come as a promotional. WILD will be better able to track our emails and should make it easier for people to subscribe. Enjoy this month’s contents. Mike


A former President of the United States (Truman) once said, “It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.” A key component in being a spiritual leader is being a follower, first of Jesus Christ and then your willingness to place yourself under the authority of another person. The likelihood of being the leader in all areas of life, is at best minimal. Pursuing a humble attitude and being willing to learn and follow someone else’s direction shows maturity on our part and a willingness to build others up.

I have read that filling the second seat in a band or orchestra is one of the most difficult chores a conductor has because no one wants to be second. If you develop in the area of followability, you are given the opportunity to understand better those whom you may eventually lead. You are sitting where people will someday sit when you lead. The knowledge of knowing how they feel and because you have walked where they are now walking, hopefully you will be more compassionate. This will make you a better leader as well as becoming more Christlike.

Are you willing to hold your tongue when it would be easy to say, “I told you so” or slander your leader behind their back? It is not the easiest duty as a follower who felt or knew that a decision made by the leader would not go well.

Think about Joshua and Moses. In Numbers 13 and 14, Joshua and Caleb were emphatic about taking the land God promised the nation of Israel, yet Moses sided with the other spies and then with the rest of Israel. Joshua could have made Moses’ life difficult by consistently reminding Moses of the major mistake he made or causing a revolt to overtake Moses’ leadership. Israel ended up with a 40 year detour and yet not once do we read that Joshua grumbled or complained, nor did he create discord among Israelites, speaking behind Moses’ back. No matter what Joshua remained loyal to Moses, never once going against Moses and consistently obeyed God. Could we do that knowing that it would affect 40 years of our lives?

If you are given the opportunity to provide your viewpoint or feedback, be prepared. Rather than simply say, “I will not do this or that” think through the situation and be prepared to offer an alternate idea or way to do something, where your convictions would not be violated. Consider Daniel in Daniel 1. When he resolved not to eat the food offered by the Babylonians, he presented an alternative solution to food situation at hand. Daniel gave the official a way out of the crisis. If your idea is not used, then work through what will or has happened and make decisions based on facts.

Followability teaches you to give and provide constructive feedback. You are being developed to become a problem solver. Now there are some leaders who will not give you the platform to provide your viewpoint or constructive feedback. You find this at times with people’s personalities or even between genders. Some will not allow you to give feedback. Then you need to decide whether you can continue under their leadership or perhaps it is time to move on. Give it time but it may be a decision you will have to make.

Being a quality leader does not just mean leading people. Being a respectful, loyal, teachable follower, causes you to become a better leader. Position or role does not determine quality leadership. Your heart does.


Joshua had every right to be angry. Along with eleven other spies sent by Moses to check out the Promise Land which God said He was giving to the nation of Israel, only Joshua and Caleb returned and said, “Let’s go get that land; it’s ours!” (Numbers 13 & 14). The remaining ten spies convinced Moses and the nation of Israel to not go get that land because those people in that land were HUGE and the spies were like grasshoppers in comparison. Rather than trusting God, Israel ended up on a forty-year detour to get into the Promised Land.

Everyone would die in the desert except for Joshua and Caleb and those under twenty years of age at the time because of their disobedience. How would you have felt if you were Joshua and Caleb? Would you have caused an uprising any time in those forty years against the leadership that cemented the decision that you would be going around in circles for forty years? It is very hard to submit to authority when they make terrible decisions.

In addition, Joshua became Moses’ right hand man. He stood with Moses for all those years. What is amazing is no where do we read that Joshua ever grumbled in public about that decision nor did he ever create a rebellion to overtake Moses.

Think about that. Sure we probably could keep our mouth shut for a few days when we know an authority figure has made a dumb decision even if it directly impacts us. But for forty years?! In the age of instant messaging and the technology to shoot off our mouths (and have the world see or read about it) without ever confronting the person we are speaking against, the probability of keeping our thoughts to ourselves and ripping into our leaders minimize quickly.

Joshua had the integrity and humble attitude to keep his mouth shut. Now he might have spoken to Moses privately about his viewpoint after that day in Numbers 13, but it did not affect his job performance. After speaking to our authorities about a decision made, can we accept the results and continue to be a team player, especially when the decision has negative consequences on us?
Recall Daniel in Daniel 1, went to his palace official and told the official that he could not eat the food being offered to the guys. At the same time Daniel had an alternative plan to try and if it failed, Daniel and his three friends would eat the food placed before them by the royal chef.

How could Daniel and Joshua have such attitudes? They had relationships with God that were developing, and they trusted in the sovereignty of God. Both were doing what they believed God would have them do and trusting God that God was in control. They knew that when they did the right thing in the sight of God, they could suffer for doing right and were okay with that. Jesus did the same thing here on earth and He did it for us (1 Peter 3:18).

Joshua faithfully served Moses for forty years, had Moses’ back all the time and during that time was being prepared to lead the Israelites into the Promise Land. He never grumbled about Moses and had a clear conscience in his relationship with Moses and God. That my friend is invaluable!